Utility Blades
Utility BladesUtility blades came in many shapes and sizes from the traditional Heavy Duty blade to more exotic styles. In fact there are as many different blades as applications and probably more! Durham-Duplex manufactures its blades in Sheffield, England and offers a wide range of utility blades as standard but also can manufacture most shapes in CS or SS in small batches or longer runs to suit the customers needs. Traditional utility blade types include:- Heavy Duty blades
- Medium Duty blades
- Hooked blades
- Concave blades
- Slotted blades
- 3-Hole blades
- Traditional double sided Razor blades
- De-Seamer blades
- Injectors
- Single edge blades
- Segmented or non segmented 9mm, 18mm and 25mm blades
- Fibre glass choppers